Brecksville Cemetery Memorials

Burial Site Of Early Settlers Including Breck Family

Originating in the 1800s, Brecksville Cemetery holds the stories on many early families including the Breck family for which the City of Brecksville is named. Kotecki Family Memorials has been an authorized provider of Brecksville Cemetery memorials for over a century.

The Breck family had a long lineage dating back to Suffolk, England. Many early members came to “the colonies” residing in Hampshire County, Massachusetts. John Breck (1770-1827) was named the first postmaster of Northampton, MA. He had acquired land and property in Cuyahoga County was transferred to one of his sons, D. Edward Breck.

Kotecki craftsman have custom designed and installed many monuments within the cemetery.

Brecksville Cemetery
Memorials Contact:

Kotecki Family Memorials
3636 Pearl Road, Cleveland
Showroom Hours:
MON-FRI:  9am-5pm
SAT:  9am-3pm

Contact: Edward Kotecki IV

Memorial Designs, Specifications And Standards

With a 125-year history, Kotecki Family Memorials has a long legacy as both a partner and provider of custom community memorials. The work of five generations of family members is well represented throughout the Northeast Ohio area including Brecksville Cemetery. Our team is knowledgeable and experienced in the cemetery’s standards for memorial styles, granite colors, monument inscriptions, and gravesite preservation.

Established Early 1800s
Historic Burial Park
Serving Brecksville Community
Over 3,600 Memorials
Five Generations Of Kotecki Family Service.
Styles And Designs
Many Custom Options Including
Unique Memorial Renderings

Brecksville Cemetery
- Brecksville, Ohio


Brecksville Cemetery maintains 4.9 acres and over 5,200 grave sites. Section 5 adjacent to Highland Drive opened in 2003 and contains full burial and cremation-only plots.

  • Street Address: 9012 Highland Drive
  • City: Brecksville, Ohio
  • County: Cuyahoga
  • Established: Early 1800s
  • Memorials: 3,609 *