Riverside Cemetery Memorials

US "Centennial" Marks Beginning Of Historic Westside Cemetery

On Saturday, November 11, 1876, the official dedication ceremony was held for Riverside Cemetery. Having been elected US President the week earlier, Governor Rutherford B. Hayes was on hand to recognize the event.

Occupying over 102 acres in land, Riverside marked the first major-sized burial park west of the Cuyahoga River. The original sandstone chapel sits prominently on the grounds and is available for rent.

With over 43,000 memorials, the cemetery is part of Cleveland’s Brooklyn Centre neighborhood. Both the chapel and gatehouse are Nationally Registered historic buildings.

Riverside Cemetery
Memorials Contact:

Kotecki Family Memorials
3636 Pearl Road, Cleveland
Showroom Hours:
MON-FRI:  9am-5pm
SAT:  9am-3pm

Contact: Edward Kotecki IV

Memorial Designs, Specifications And Standards

With a 125-year history, Kotecki Family Memorials has a long legacy as both a partner and provider of custom community memorials. The work of five generations of family members is well represented throughout the Northeast Ohio area including Cleveland’s historic Riverside Cemetery. Our team is knowledgeable and experienced in the cemetery’s standards for memorial styles, granite colors, monument inscriptions, and gravesite preservation.

Riverside Cemetery
Cleveland, Ohio


Resting place of many Greater Cleveland industrialists, political, cultural, and economic leaders. Historic monuments, gatehouse, and chapel highlight this city landmark founded in 1876.

  • Street Address: 3607 Pearl Road
  • City: Cleveland, Ohio
  • County: Cuyahoga
  • Established: 1876
  • Memorials: 43,090 *