Strongsville Cemetery Memorials

Strong Family Donates Land For Burial Park In 1822

April 1, 1822, John Stoughton Strong and his wife Tamer donated land to city officials for what was to be used as a cemetery, as well as common grounds and space for community buildings. A link to a reproduction of the transfer document officially creating Strongsville Cemetery can be found online.

“Section A” of the cemetery holds some of the most historic headstones and markers from early settlers. The area consists of 17 rows. For details and headstone inscriptions, click here.

The cemetery is maintained and operated by the City of Strongsville service department. Kotecki Family Memorials is an official headstone and marker designer to the cemetery.

Strongsville Cemetery
Memorials Contact:

Kotecki Family Memorials
3636 Pearl Road, Cleveland
Showroom Hours:
MON-FRI:  9am-5pm
SAT:  9am-3pm

Contact: Edward Kotecki IV

Memorial Designs, Specifications And Standards

With a 125-year history, Kotecki Family Memorials has a long legacy as both a partner and provider of custom community memorials. The work of five generations of family members is well represented throughout the Northeast Ohio area including Strongsville Cemetery. Our team is knowledgeable and experienced in the cemetery’s standards for memorial styles, granite colors, monument inscriptions, and gravesite preservation.

Established 1822
A Legacy Memorial
To Early Strongsville
Nearly 4,000 Memorials
Five Generations Of Kotecki Family Service.
Styles And Designs
Many Custom Marker Options.

Strongsville Cemetery
Strongsville, Ohio


Established in 1822 on land donated by the City of Strongsville’s founding father – John Stoughton Strong. Some of the City’s earliest settlers are buried within the grounds. A transfer document shows Strong was paid the sum of one dollar for the land.

  • Street Address: 13123 Pearl Road
  • City: Strongsville, Ohio
  • County: Cuyahoga
  • Established: 1822
  • Memorials: 3,996 *