Woodvale Cemetery Memorials

Historic 1850s Cemetery Serving Middleburg Heights And Berea

Early prominent family names are represented at Woodvale Cemetery including Sprague, Sheldon, and Sterns to name a few. With over 9,000 memorials, many notable community members are interred at the cemetery. Among those memorialized are John Baldwin, educator and founder of Baldwin Wallace College.

Also known as “Woodvale Union Cemetery”, the park holds the memorials of many soldiers representing the United States military.

The cemetery is located at the intersection of Engle and Fowles Roads in Middleburg Heights. It also is joined on it’s western boarder by Big Creek Parkway of the Cleveland Metroparks.

Woodvale Cemetery
Memorials Contact:

Kotecki Family Memorials
3636 Pearl Road, Cleveland
Showroom Hours:
MON-FRI:  9am-5pm
SAT:  9am-3pm

Contact: Edward Kotecki IV

Memorial Designs, Specifications And Standards

With a 125-year history, Kotecki Family Memorials has a long legacy as both a partner and provider of custom community memorials. The work of five generations of family members is well represented throughout the Northeast Ohio area including Woodvale Cemetery. Our team is knowledgeable and experienced in the cemetery’s standards for memorial styles, granite colors, monument inscriptions, and gravesite preservation.

Established 1850s
A Southwest Suburban
Landmark Cemetery.
Over 9,000 Memorials
Five Generations Of Kotecki Family Service.
Styles And Designs
Many Custom Marker Options.

Woodvale Cemetery
- Middleburg Heights, Ohio


Also known as the Woodvale Union Cemetery, this southwest suburban park was established in the 1850s. Currently, the grounds cover approximately 40 acres and serve the communities of Middleburg Heights and Berea.

  • Street Address: 7535 Engle Road
  • City: Middleburg Heights, Ohio
  • County: Cuyahoga
  • Established: 1850
  • Memorials: 9,046 *